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7 Signs It Might Be Time For Assisted Living

7 Signs It’s Time To Consider Assisted Living

It’s difficult to watch your loved ones age.

You want to help, but you may not know how.

Among other options, you’ve probably considered assisted living. While many people picture cramped nursing homes, the reality is communities like Silver Birch provide the right amount of freedom and support.

But is your loved one to that point? 

Here are seven signs it might be time for assisted living:


1. Poor Hygiene

It can start small with things like  fingernails and occasional body odor, but self-neglect tends to snowball. Even if your loved one wants to do better, physical limitations may get in the way. If you notice a gradual decline in personal hygiene, it can be a clue that extra help is needed. 


2. Regular Isolation

Whether it’s a lack of mobility or a shrinking social circle, many older adults find themselves alone for days or weeks at a time. It’s a common issue. According to AARP, 1 in 5 Americans who are 65+ are socially isolated. Assisted living communities make socializing easy. Your loved one can take part in numerous programs and social outings.


3. Forgotten Medication

For many older adults, medications are a part of daily life. But even that comes with challenges. If your loved one often forgets to take a pill or has trouble getting to the pharmacy, it may be time to consider help. Here at Silver Birch, we order medications, and provide assistance managing and taking them as needed.  


4. Transportation Difficulty

Living alone requires a basic level of mobility. Whether it’s moving across the room or across town, having difficulty getting from point A to point B makes daily life difficult. Assisted living ensures that your loved one can maintain a higher quality of life regardless of mobility limitations.


5. Neglected Chores

Dirty dishes. Overflowing trash cans. Consistent clutter. Household chores never stop. If you notice an inability to stay on top of these tasks, it’s a common sign that your loved one needs a helping hand. Assisted living communities like Silver Birch offers include services such as weekly housekeeping and laundry.


6. Medicaid Eligibility

The cost of assisted living often stalls the conversation before it starts. However, there are a variety of financing options available. One of the most common is Medicaid. Although it does not pay for everything, Medicaid does cover the nursing services your loved one needs. With this financial burden removed, assisted living becomes considerably more affordable. Just keep in mind that not all communities accept Medicaid.


7. Consistent Worry

Does the thought of a medical emergency occurring with  your loved one make you anxious? Do you dread unexpected phone calls? Do you just feel like something bad could happen? Ongoing worry is a clear sign that extra help may be exactly what your loved one needs. With staff available 24 hours per day at most assisted living communities, you’ll know your loved one isn’t completely on their own.


If you notice one or more of these signs, you may find peace of mind simply by discussing your options. That starts by asking questions. Contact Silver Birch today and let our experienced staff offer the guidance you need.